Shonishin training trip with Sensei Shimamura | Scott Stephens BHSc (acu), Shonishin therapy acupuncture, Cert IV massage

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Last week while the wheels kept turning at MCM, I was lucky enough to travel to Brisbane to complete further training in Shonishin Paediatric Acupuncture/Therapy. The training was taught by Japanese acupuncturist Tsuyoshi Shimamura Sensei. He is  an amazing practitioner with a wealth of experience and knowledge.

Mr Shimamura was an apprentice of famous blind acupuncturist Master Nagano, he learned Master Nagano’s unique self-devised theories, methods and techniques of Shonishin that had set Master Nagano apart as a highly sought after practitioner for his amazing clinical effectiveness in children’s disorders.

I was fortunate to be able to be part of his teachings and am excited to implement these new methods and techniques to our existing and new Paediatric patients at Mornington Chinese Medicine.

If you haven’t heard of Shonishin before it  is a unique and powerful method of non-invasive Paediatric Acupuncture/Therapy that developed in Japan in the 17th and 18th Centuries, and reached fruition in the 19th century with the Daishi Ryu Shonishin (Grand-master Style Shonishin) through Tanioka Sensei. Shonishin focuses on specific diagnostics, and treatment techniques using gentle tapping and stroking of the meridians with metallic tools to have a balancing effect on the paediatric patient, and on rare occasions, gentle and non-insertion needle techniques.

Shonishin treatment methods are most commonly used for children but can also be used for adults

Scott practices at Mornington Chinese Medicine Tuesday 9am-8pm, Thursday 2pm-8pm and Friday 2pm-8pm

For more information or to book an appointment with Scott contact us on 59736886

Shonishin at MCM

Shonishin at MCM

Scott, Sensei Shimamura & Translator Hokazono

Scott, Sensei Shimamura & Translator Hokazono

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