Female Fertility

Five Ways to Tell When You’re Ovulating By Giulia Crema

How do you know when you are ovulating? I ask my patients this question all the time! We are often told that ovulation occurs on day 14 of the menstrual cycle. However, this is rarely the case, even for those who have a regular 28 day cycle. Let’s explore the hormonal fluctuation that occurs during ovulation and the key signs to

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A Deeper Connection with your Menstrual Cycle – By Kerry Marshall

I view the world through cycles and rhythms, seasons, tides, moods and abundance. I can adapt to an environment easily and feel emotion deeply. So when it comes to menstrual cycles it makes perfect sense to me that human females ebb and flow with such purpose and transformation each month in their fertile years.  I worked this out early and have

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Period FAQ when TTC by Kerry Marshall

UNDERSTANDING YOUR UNIQUE MENSTRUAL CYCLE WHEN TRYING TO CONCEIVE Kerry answers some common questions that get asked in the treatment room:   When trying to conceive (or avoiding a pregnancy) understanding your unique cycle is key.  During women’s health consults a practitioner will ask many questions regarding your period, ovulation and hormones. If you are trying for a baby it can

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Ferritin Deficiency & Fertility by Dr Kirsten Wolfe

Ferritin Deficiency & Fertility The Fertile Life Method is an integration of Western, Functional and Chinese Medicine, sometimes the hidden gem is amongst all the blood tests, finding out what is being missed is the basis of the Fertile Life Detective System, this is one of the differences that makes us the place to come to when starting out or in

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The Big O by Caz Butler

The big ooooooooo – no, I’m not talking about orgasms, but you can find a thorough discussion on that scintillating topic right here. Despite the fame of the period, ovulation is the main event of the menstrual cycle. This is a much recycled phrase you’ll hear all over the internet whenever someone is educating people about the menstrual cycle. It is

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Fertility Language by Dr Kirsten Wolfe

Fertility has a whole language of its own which can be daunting when you’re starting your fertility journey or beginning IVF.  There are many abbreviations and acronyms, I liken it to understanding my teenagers texts to me, I often find myself googling what they hell they mean!  It can feel like some secret club that you don’t yet belong to, but

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Is Stress Harming Your Fertility and Causing PCOS symptoms?

Is stressing about your diet and exercise routine ruining your fertility and causing PCOS symptoms? Believing that PCOS is solely genetic, due to excess weight, or simply caused by cystic ovaries, that can be treated using hormone replacement is a dangerous assumption that prevents many women from getting the help they need. While weight loss in women who are overweight may

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5 Ways to Preserve your Fertility by Kerry Marshall

Women are delaying starting a family for various reasons… focusing on careers, building finances or waiting for the right person. The average age in Australia for women having their first baby is 31 and many now starting in their late 30’s and 40’s.  Knowing that egg freezing or IVF are options at a cost if needed can be reassuring but they

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The PMS Rollercoaster… YOU CAN GET OFF

Hormone Literacy and PMS. Here’s the down-low on PMS, beautiful ones. PMS is common but its not inevitable, in fact PMS is curable. Just read that again. Before we get into the physiological understanding of PMS, let me just add that I feel the term PMS has been used to trivialise and undermine women’s emotions, generally because they make others uncomfortable.

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Alcohol around conception and pregnancy – Simon Altman

Alcohol around conception and pregnancy At Mornington Chinese Medicine we have numerous lifestyle recommendations for the time when you are trying to conceive and also maintain optimal health.  One of those recommendations for men or women is to totally cut out alcohol.  This can sometimes be the most difficult step for some individuals, but the reasons behind this little piece of

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Reasons for a Late Period that don’t mean you’re Pregnant – by Andrea Murphy, Licensed Acupuncturist

Nearly every woman has had a time in her life where she’s been waiting on the edge of her seat for her period to show up. Occasionally this delay causes a gal to pee on a few sticks, while she wonders if her life is about to change forever, only to very anti-climactically get her period a few days later. Late

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The lie most, if not all of my fertility patients have been sold….

The egg timer test, as its commonly touted & even promoted by IVF clinics & Fertility specialists to my dismay is accurately named the Anti-Mullerian Hormone test or AMH. To understand this test further lets understand your ovarian function first. An ovarian follicle is a fluid-filled sac that contains an immature egg, or oocyte. During ovulation a mature egg is released

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