Thyroid disease can be incredibly confusing and frustrating, especially when you’re trying to figure out the best step-by-step action plan that will work best for you. -Should you eat Paleo, Keto, or AIP? -Is intermittent fasting a good idea? -Where do I start? -How do I know what’s best for my body and will get me the results I’m looking for?
Thyroid Disease – The Functional Approach
Solving My Autoimmune Puzzle, Andrea Murphy – Registered Acupuncturist.
Early last year I was faced with an irrefutable feeling that something in my body just didn’t feel right. I had been experiencing hot flushes, skin rashes and intermittent joint pain that I just chalked up to being sore from the gym. It all came to an uncomfortable head that I just couldn’t ignore any longer and when I was finally