LOCALS WE LOVE – SJM Skin Aesthetics | Anna McMullen BHSc CM

Those who know me know I am a big fan of self care. This week I decided to walk my talk by looking after myself and my skin. I chose to visit SJM Skin Aesthetics in Mornington. The dermal therapists at SJM Skin Aesthetics use a method of treatment called corneotherapy to treat a wide variety of skin concerns including acne, scarring, sun damage as well as catering to those simply wanting to refine their skin tone.

Corneotherapy supports the skin in returning to the best possible state of health by employing natural and holistic methods to repair and maintain the integrity of the skin. The skin is the largest organ in our body. It is one of the first barriers of defence against external pathogens. From a Chinese medicine perspective we see the skin as being an integral part of our immune system. The corneotherapeutic approach resonated with me for that reason.

I was intrigued by this different approach to beauty and skin health and decided to put myself in the hands of the dermal therapists Suzanne and Jess. And goodness me! What a lovely, relaxing and indulgent experience I had!

Suzanne conducted a detailed skin analysis and outlined a course of treatment, specific to my skin’s needs. I began treatment with an enzyme peel and LED light rejuvenation therapy. This treatment encourages circulation and lymphatic flow by the stimulation of cellular energy as well as treating hyper-pigmentation and inflammation. It also acts to detoxify the skin by reducing irritation and sensitivity.

My therapist Jess used various Dermaviduals products with active ingredients such as boswellia, kigelia, d-panthenol and kiwi seed oil. I found it interesting to note their use of boswellia (frankincense), a herb we use in Chinese medicine to help move stagnation and aid tissue repair. These were applied to the skin with the addition of a mineral mask to help the active ingredients infuse in to the skin.

While I was basking in the luxury of having a lie down and some pampering in the middle of the day I was even treated to a gorgeous hand massage. It was one of the most relaxing beauty treatments I have ever had and my skin is glowing and soft. I’m very much looking forward to seeing how my skin progresses under the care of Suzanne and Jess.

LOCALS WE LOVE - SJM Skin Aesthetics | Anna McMullen BHSc CM 3




Anna is available for consultation at Mornington Chinese Medicine on Monday and Saturday.

To book please call us on ph: 5973 6886.


*SJM SKIN AESTHETICS CAN BE FOUND AT 5 Coimadai Ct, Mornington VIC 3931*