We all know that going outside into the great outdoors is good for our wellbeing.
But did you know that you can bring some of the great outdoors into your home and still get a benefit?
As our houses get larger, our backyards smaller and our lives busier, indoor plants become more and more important.
So many plants these days are easy to care for and look stunning in all areas of our home including the bathroom, living room and bedrooms where we spend most of out time.
A major benefit of indoor plants is that they clean the air in your home. Different varieties of plant have different functions in the amount of toxins they can take in and purify but overall they remove basic pollutants like cooking oil residue, smells and of course taking carbon dioxide and turning it into oxygen.
They are the lungs of our homes and having plants in the bedroom can help to improve sleep as their energy creates a peaceful environment while improving the air we are taking in at night. Having a plant in a children’s room has the same affect, plus it gives them something to care for and nurture which helps them to develop empathy.
Plants look fantastic by offering a pop of colour in otherwise dark corners or lifting the look of a book shelf or TV cabinet.
They can maintain this brilliance by being turned regularly so that all sides of the plant catch the available light and have a chance to photosynthesise. It is also important to wash an indoor plants leaves every now and again. Our homes are dusty and just as shelves gather dust, so do a plants leaves. On a nice day they can be taken outside and gently hosed off or they can simply be put in the shower and cleaned. Make sure they are drained before putting them back in their regular place and they will show their appreciation with brilliant green leaves.
Plants are living and just like animals, having them near is good for our soul.
Nurturing and love help our nervous system and heart beat to slow and allow us to de-stress. Tending to plants and enjoying them in our homes makes them very rewarding ways to improve our wellbeing.
So why not bring nature into your home with some easy to care for indoor plants? There is always room for one more. . .
For some great local indoor plants we love Verdant Dwellings, also check out the local markets here on the Peninsula for some great indoor plant options.
Enjoy exercising your green thumb!
To book your appointment please call us on ph: 5973 6886.