I have been supporting women and couples to achieve pregnancy for many years. It is always a privilege to continue care with a women through fertility to birth and then again for another future baby. Not only is the acupuncture beneficial for creating a receptive body to begin a new life, we scientifically know that a couples health at the time of conception and during pregnancy can make a huge impact on the health and development of the child and through into adult life. This way of looking at the bigger picture of health by effecting change prior to birth is where I get most excited in my work.
I have recognised and understand the gap of treating women between birth and the time for another baby or a gynaecological health issue. Once the baby arrives a mother and baby are in their own time and space, learning new rhythms and falling in love. In this time the women is recovering from birth, adjusting to changing hormones, establishing breastfeeding and functioning through broken sleep. The baby is out of the safety of the womb and in the safety of its parents arms. It also is adjusting to many factors, birth, air, milk, touch. I am an advocate for ‘doing the month’ staying home as much as possible, eating nutritious foods, sleeping when your baby sleeps and generally staying in your PJ’s. For Caesareans six weeks without doing much is advised and I agree with this.
As mother and child are so connected I started booking in women and babies together six weeks post birth and find the double treatment beneficial for both and more convenient for mum to schedule appointments as she is bringing baby with her.
Treating babies is a lovely continuation of the acupuncture journey with the mother and my style with the babies is a needless acupuncture called Shonishin. With babies it is usually digestive system imbalances, optimising immune function and calming often associated with restless sleep. The treatment is gentle but very effective. For Mum there is always something to treat in this adjustment time and at the very least a restorative relaxation session is well received.
Bookings: It is not a pre requisite to have had acupuncture before, appointments are available for all mums and bubs and can be made around 6 weeks post birth. Individual appointments are also available anytime post birth.
Kerry Marshall is in clinic on Tuesdays and Fridays from 9-2.