Tarot Explained: The Empress Card – Simon Altman, BHSc (Acupuncture) & Esoteric Acupuncturist


Tarot Card 4 – The Empress.

In this blog we are exploring one of my favourite Tarot cards The Empress, which is an appropriate card for Mornington Chinese Medicine as she is one of the main cards representing fertility, the mother, abundance, living life to the fullest, feminine power, pregnancy and love.


We have previously looked at the earlier cards starting with The Fool, The Magician and The High Priestess.  The Empress is the fourth card out of the 22 Major Arcana cards within the tarot.  The Empress closely flows on from the previous cards we have investigated as the Major Arcana describes an overall cycle of life and development.  We started out with The Fool which is the energy of the limitless possibilities that the universe can deliver, this then flows into the Magician allowing us to actively channel this energy into our pursuits, then The Empress which allows the more internal, instinctual qualities to flow through.


Following on from The High Priestess we enter the card of The Empress, a card with lots of depth and some amazing symbolism included within the Waite-Smith deck.  The Empress sits on her throne comfortably surrounded by cushions with a heart shape pillow by her side that has the astrological symbol for Venus, the roman goddess of femininity, beauty and love.  She has a forest with a flowing river and waterfall ending at her feet, with this water bringing emotional fulfillment and life to the nature around her.  The Empress has wheat in front of her representing fertility as the seeds are ripe for harvest taking on the waters of life that are flowing around her.  Her crown has 12 stars representing the various cycles of life including the zodiac, the months of the year, and time in general.  The red cushions represent love and the pomegranates on her dress represent fertility with its free-flowing nature alludes to pregnancy.

Tarot Explained: The Empress Card - Simon Altman, BHSc (Acupuncture) & Esoteric Acupuncturist 11 Tarot Explained: The Empress Card - Simon Altman, BHSc (Acupuncture) & Esoteric Acupuncturist 12 Tarot Explained: The Empress Card - Simon Altman, BHSc (Acupuncture) & Esoteric Acupuncturist 13 Tarot Explained: The Empress Card - Simon Altman, BHSc (Acupuncture) & Esoteric Acupuncturist 14










Within a Tarot spread The Empress can signify a time of abundance, prosperity, creativity and passion is surrounding you.  It can represent happiness, security, emotional fulfilment and pregnancy.  Aside from fertility it can also represent domestic harmony and stability, a home that if there are already children, may be used as a hub to support, feed and nurture those around you. It resonates with the number 3 in numerology as it combines card number 1 The Magician with card number 2 The Empress. Through this combination of energy, it signifies the path between Chochmah (Wisdom) and Binah (Understanding) within the Hermetic Qabalistic tree of life and merges these two special sephirot’s spheres of influence.


Tarot is used within each Esoteric Acupuncture session at Mornington Chinese Medicine with Simon Altman.  He has had the wonderful opportunity to train personally with Dr Mikio Sankey the developer of Esoteric Acupuncture and completed all levels of Esoteric Acupuncture training.  Simon uses tarot as an adjunct to give direction, purpose and meaning to the session as well as Sound Therapy, Reiki and Astrology.  Tarot within the session can be concise, or if there is a specific interest, a longer interpretation can be arranged.

Tarot Explained: The Empress Card - Simon Altman, BHSc (Acupuncture) & Esoteric Acupuncturist 15


Esoteric Acupuncture is a style of heart centred acupuncture that works on the deeper levels of the body to promote balance and direction in life.  It can be used as maintenance or a tune up and incorporates a more spiritual esoteric acupuncture pattern on the back of the body, then a complementary esoteric acupuncture pattern on the front of the body, which can then be combined with a standard Chinese Medicine to help with core issues.


If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me for further information or to discuss these amazing topics.


Simon is available for consult on Monday, Friday and Saturday at
Mornington Chinese Medicine.

To book your appointment please call us on: 5973 6886