Spring is in the air | Dr Eli Thomas BHSc CMA

Spring is nearly here!

Spring brings the energy of the WOOD element and pertains to the LIVER organ system in Chinese medicine. The colour is GREEN and the energetic action is bursting UP & OUT, like the bright green buds starting to form and unfurl their blossoms.

This is a great time of year to form new ideas, start projects, make plans, take up a challenge and share your vision with those around you. It is also the perfect time of year to do a cleanse to invigorate the liver and circulate fresh energy around the body. Much like Spring cleaning your house, a cleanse is an opportunity to re-boot your whole system and get rid of any sluggish, heavy, or dark residues that have accumulated over Winter.

Did you know MCM has their very own Detox and Cleanse program? This is a 21day program to clear your body of toxic food, toxic habits, and have you feeling fresh and energetic, ready for Summer 🙂 Acupuncture & herbal medicine are used to help balance and negate any side-effects of doing a nutritional cleanse, and to continue on your current healthcare plan.

Make an appointment today to speak with our practitioners about whether a cleanse is suitable for you. We will motivate, educate, and support you through this worthwhile challenge.

Eli Headshot 1Eli is available at MCM every Wednesday and Friday
For bookings phone us on (03) 59736886 or visit www.morningtonchinesemedicine.com.au

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