Mornington Chinese Medicine has been so happy to support Chantel over the last three months as she trains for her first full marathon
while raising awareness for The Lung Foundation Australia……..
Just under a week out from the big day we thought we would take the opportunity to sit down with Chantel and her MCM practitioner Scott Stephens
to chat all things acupuncture and running!
Chantel can you tell us a bit more about what has motivated you to take on such an incredible challenge?
Apart from raising funds and awareness for the Lung Foundation, there are a number of things that keep me motivated.
As a kid I was quite good naturally at long distance running. It’s not something I ever got to pursue unfortunately, but in the back of my mind I always knew one day I would tick running a marathon off my list.
Since getting back into running and exercise after having my 2 girls (5&3) I have really grown a passion for fitness and a healthier way of life. I am motivated to set a good example to my girls and want to show them that you can achieve anything you set your mind to. But it does take commitment and hard work. Nothing comes served up on a platter. This is a lesson I want my girls to learn early on in life.
I’ve also unintentionally found from sharing my journey, that I have somehow inspired others around me. I have been contacted by a few different people who have told me I have motivated or inspired them to take up running, or even to get back into doing something they love, that they may have put to the side while looking after their own children. This greatly inspires me to do better as I feel I can’t let them down now too. It’s a great knock on effect!
Have you had any particular injuries or niggles during the last 3 months?
I have been quite lucky in this department; I really couldn’t have asked for much better!
I have only just recently, in the last few weeks started to get a slight niggle in my left knee. But working together with Scott at MCM we have been able to keep this niggle at bay.
So you have been having acupuncture on a weekly basis for about 3 months now, what have you noticed in comparison to training for the Melbourne Half Marathon last year with no treatment?
It’s hard to compare the training with the training I did for Melbourne Half Marathon. Mostly as the kilometre load is quite different. But the significant difference would be my energy levels and sleeping patterns. This time around with having the regular treatments, I have definitely found I have greater energy for the work load I’m doing. Having the 2 young children plus working 4 days a week and training 4 times a week. I can notice the difference without a doubt. My sleeping has also been a lot better. Get a good solid 8 to 10 hours a night without any hassle (unless the children have other plans for me that is).
What do you enjoy most about the treatments?
I think the part I love the most about the treatments is the state of relaxation acupuncture takes you to.
MCM has such a calming peaceful feel about it, that you have no choice but to feel at peace while you are there.
I enjoy the “me” time away from the hustle, to just relax and focus my thoughts to repairing my body.
Has Scott dispensed any Herbal Treatments? What has your experience of using herbs been?
Yes, Scott has given me herbs to take daily.
At first I was a little hesitant of what they would taste like. But they have surprisingly not been too bad at all and I have found it easy to include them in my daily routine. I take the herbs along with Magnesium powder also.
What is the best piece of information that you have learnt as a patient of MCM?
I guess the main thing I have learnt would be how acupuncture is relevant to runners. It’s not widely used as a form as treatment yet within Australia, but it definitely should be. Regular treatments can help prevent problems through improving the muscle fibre mobility. This can be a key component in keeping a runner injury free and for general maintenance.
Would you recommend acupuncture to other runners / athletes?
Absolutely. I’m already spreading the word! Thanks to Scott and the MCM team for the ongoing support.
You guys are amazing!!!
Scott Stephen’s one of our fantastic Practitioners at MCM has been treating Chantel weekly now for the last 3 months.
I asked Scott a few questions to get a better perspective on this type of ‘maintenance’ treatment for athletes during peak training times….
You have been providing Chantel with support during her marathon training for 3 months now. What areas would you say you have felt acupuncture has been of most significant use to Chantel?
I have been looking at building Chantel’s strength and endurance by helping Chantel’s body provide the qi (energy) and blood that is necessary to nourish the muscles that are being used during exercise. We have also worked on supporting Chantel’s lungs to function at their optimum level.
What responses have you noticed in her training, ability and recovery that you consider acupuncture to have played a role?
Chantel has conveyed to me during her sessions that she is recovering from her training well and has also been able to achieve good personal rest time during this period.
Chantel has said that she was prescribed herbs as part of her treatment plan, how are they designed to support her?
Yes Chantel has been taking a personalised herbal formula which is designed to build her energy and blood and help in post training recovery. These herbs are also going to benefit her lung function and strength.
What would you consider to be the top 3 tips you will give to Chantel as she heads off to tackle her first full marathon?
- Continue to take the herbs PRE and POST marathon
- Keep up plenty of fluids pre marathon and eat only a small meal before the race
- It is VITAL to warm up before the marathon and stretch out muscles and tendons. Also applying a herbal liniment such as ‘zheng gui shui’ will help the muscles warm up and prevent injury.
How will acupuncture aid in her recovery post run?
Acupuncture will help move what we call ‘stagnation’ in Chinese medicine. Stagnation in the muscles could be likened to lactic acid build up and by using acupuncture to stimulate the movement of stagnation we can help avoid post marathon soreness and speed up recovery.
Good Luck Chantel from Scott and all the team at Mornington Chinese Medicine! Looking forward to seeing you back in the clinic showing off your medal!
Scott is available for consultation at MCM Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays.
For bookings call p:59736886 or visit