Distal Acupuncture: Fast Pain Relief | Simon Altman B.HSc CMA

Distal Acupuncture for fast Pain Relief

IMG_1741Pain is the number one reason most people are introduced to acupuncture as a therapy. Acupuncture has been used in pain management for centuries and continues to this day in modern China.  Hospitals and acupuncture clinics are always effectively handling pain and creating management plans for individuals who are in distress.  Acupuncture is excellent at diminishing pain levels right on the spot and can have instantaneous results at reducing pain levels.

The methods used within distal acupuncture have been described in Traditional Chinese medical texts for well over a millennium.  Distal acupuncture involves inserting needles away from the painful areas, going distant/distal from the injured site as opposed to proximal/close or needling the target area.  For instance, for back pain you may needle a hand and forearm or foot and calf.  If the points are inserted correctly and at the precise location, a change should be felt on the spot.  The pain level should start diminishing with flexibility increasing, as muscles are softened or loosened and an increased sense of wellbeing at the targeted site of discomfort is achieved.

Distal Acupuncture works using the meridian system and modern anatomy through targeting specific muscle groups and areas of pain.  It allows the injured or sore area to relax and heal without causing any further trauma to the area.

These systems focus on using the correlation between the muscles and the meridian.  This is the distal treatment which improves blood flow, oxygen, nutrients, and anti-inflammatory chemicals that your body needs to heal. – Brad Whisnant author of numerous books on distal acupuncture.

The two main pioneers of distal acupuncture were Master Tung with his family lineage of specific acupuncture points now known as “Tung Acupuncture” and Dr Richard Tan who created what is now known as the “Balance Method” based on the I-Ching and Traditional Chinese Medicine meridian theory. It is through a combination of these two systems using distal methods of acupuncture which allows a practitioner to shift and change pain at a specific area on the body.

Using these methods of acupuncture for pain, allows you to observe any changes in the condition straight away.  Distal acupuncture generally requires a few treatments to determine how low the pain can be reduced and as with all acupuncture treatments the therapy has a cumulative effect with all prior treatments building momentum on the condition.

Using the combination of Dr Tan’s Balance method and Master Tung’s special points, allows acupuncturists to effectively target specific areas of the body, manage any pain at those sites and offer fast pain relief whether that is sore muscles, aches and pains or headaches.

Simon is available for adult and paediatric consultation at MCM Mondays, Fridays and Saturdays.
For bookings call p:59736886 or visit https://morningtonchinesemedicine.com.au/

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