Are you really prepared for labour?
A lovely part of my work is that I get to treat women during their pregnancy and watch their bellies grow as they near closer to ‘THE BIG DAY’. Yes that is the day your baby arrives, one become two and you become a mother.
I enjoy hearing stories of expecting mums deciding what pram to get and decorating nurseries and then I ask “How are you feeling about the birth?” I often hear words of fear or anxiety, or ‘I have not got my head around it’ or ‘I will just wait and see how I go.’
Women are often prepared with nappies and washed baby clothes but not prepared for labour. This is an area I am passionate about, I have been known to yell at the TV when watching One Born every Minute saying “Why are you not prepared!!!?”
During my acupuncture sessions into the third trimester I am treating any breech position and post 34 weeks addressing any other health concerns like swelling or sciatica. But once your body is at 36 weeks the passive phase of growing your baby switches to ripening gradually until it tips into the massive surge of Oxcytocin that is labour. Acupuncture is very supportive in the pre-labour phase and optimising your body for an efficient labour.
What sort of labour do you want?
Have you thought about it?
Choosing what type of birth you would prefer and how you would like to labour is a starting point and good to do in your second trimester. This way you can seek out the most suited birth prep classes for you and your birth partner and gather your team. You may have chosen a private OB or you may be planning a home birth with an independent midwife, it does not matter as long as where you are makes you feel safe and who you have chosen know what type of birthing style you are.
Their are lots of wonderful people facilitating classes on the Peninsula and I refer to the ones who best suit my patients needs. One lady who I have shared patients with is Wendy Taylor from “Tranquil Birth”. Wendy is a local midwife who holds Hypnobirthing classes, and I have very positive feedback from the couples who have attended. Midwifes are front line at births and will often see births from start to finish, she recognises what support women need and how best they can prepare for labour.
I have found my birth preparation patients who have done her course are feeling relaxed, and they have resourses to keep their minds in the present – which is a valuable tool when waiting for that baby to arrive!
Wendy refers patients to me when she feels they would benefit from acupuncture and acupressure techniques, she says:
“It is a tool they use in combination with the relaxation tools to become relaxed so that their birthing body can do what is designed to do without resistance . Acupuncture has also has helped with inducing labour, treating morning sickness and breech turn.”
Wendy has her next course coming up in early June, check out her website for more info and future courses.
All her details are below:
p: 0413 167 609
Kerry Marshall is available for acupuncture and to discuss birth choices on Tuesday and Fridays.
Call Mornington Chinese Medicine on ph: 5973 6886 to book your appointment.