Acupuncture for Headache and Migraine Pain l Scott Stephens BHSc (Acu)

Headache and migraine pain are a commonly treated problem at Mornington Chinese Medicine. As a practitioner I have found that acupuncture is a great tool that easily and effectively relieves acute as well as chronic pain associated with headache and migraine. Although every treatment is individual to the each patient I find Quixu (GB-40)  is a frequently used point for the treatment of headache and migraine.Scott Foot By stimulating Quixu (GB-40), pictured to the left of the text, we are able to relieve tension present along that meridian.

I also believe diet and lifestyle education to be an important consideration for long-term treatment and prevention of acute headaches or migraine. This is an area that is of course individual to each patient and I would be sure to discuss ways that dietary choices may be impacting their health and make suggestions at the time of consult.

I have attached a link below to a recent study which, through the use of MRI scanning, measures the effectiveness of acupuncture to relieve pain and shows that it is indeed extremely beneficial.

Scott is available for appointments Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday at Mornington Chinese Medicine PH – 59736886