Golden Tumeric Milk

Eating seasonally is so important not just for your gut health, but for your whole body health.


It’s beneficial at this time of year to steer away from the cooling foods of summer like smoothies, salads and raw foods. To nourish the body and support the immune system, instead opt for heartier, warming foods through the coming Autumn/Winter seasons. Think hot soups, stews and curry’s this season to aid your digestive health.


Make up a pot of this delicious Spiced Golden Tumeric Milk this Autumn to keep your insides happy and cosy. A warming blend for Liver detox, anti-inflammatory, join pain and skin disorders.


Golden Turmeric Spiced Milk



  • 250 ml (2 cups) unsweetened almond or coconut milk.
  • 1 teaspoon freshly grated turmeric (organic).
  • 1/2 teaspoon
  • pinch of ground black pepper.
  • Slice of fresh ginger (or pinch of ground).
  • Optional 1tsp of fresh chai



  • Gently warm ‘milk’ in a small pot on stove.
  • Add your turmeric, cinnamon, ginger, chai and black pepper stir and simmer for 30 seconds.
  • Pour in your favourite mug and sprinkle some cinnamon for garnish.